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Chin & Cheek Implants

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Chin & Cheek Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

Chin and cheek implants are specially created materials designed to naturally enhance facial features.

The size and shape of these types of implants will vary since these factors are based on what’s right for individual needs and preferences. While everybody has their own reasons for considering cosmetic surgery of this nature, common ones include having a chin that’s too small or not prominent enough in relation to facial features. Cheek implants are often desired to add fullness and enhance facial shape.

Why Consider Chin and/or Cheek Implants?

For many individuals, a beautiful face is considered one that’s well-balanced. This also applies to prominent facial features like the chin and cheeks. The purpose of a chin implant is to increase the physical size and projection of the chin so that it’s in proportion to the mid-face and forehead. Possible reasons to consider a chin implant include:

  • A weak or receding chin
  • Improvements to an aging jawline
  • Facial reconstruction following an injury or surgery

Cheek implants enhance the prominence and projection of cheekbones. They can also add volume to cheeks that are flat or recessed (“sunken”). A lack of definition, a loss of fullness caused by aging and abnormalities caused by injury or congenital deformities are among the reasons why cheek implants may be considered or recommended.

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Chin & Cheek Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center
Chin & Cheek Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

How Are Chin Implants Inserted?

Performed with either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, chin enhancement surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. This cosmetic procedure normally involves the insertion of a custom-made, solid implant made of a bio-compatible material – usually silicone – into the chin bone. The incision may be made below the chin or inside of the mouth. A space is then created for the implant. It normally takes less than an hour to complete this cosmetic procedure.

How Are Cheek Implants Placed?

Performed under general, local, or intravenous sedation, cheek implant surgery requires an incision to access the part of the cheek where the customized implant will be inserted. With some procedures, the incision is made along the inside of the mouth. Another option is to make the incision for the implant just under the eyelid. Cheek implants are an appealing alternative to fat transfer procedures for some patients since results are permanent. Results from the transfer of fat usually last for several years, but not indefinitely.

What Happens After Chin and/or Cheek Implant Surgery?

There may be some slight discomfort following either procedure. However, it’s usually controllable with medication. Some patients experience numbness or tightness, although this is often temporary and usually goes away after a brief period of time. A facial brace is sometimes recommended to make sleeping easier during the healing and recovery period. Properly made external incisions usually do not produce noticeable scaring.

Preferred candidates for chin and cheek implants are individuals whose face has reached full skeletal maturity. It’s advised that patients be in generally good overall physical health to reduce issues with common surgical risks. It can also be helpful to have realistic expectations with results and a positive attitude about the desired procedure. Most implants are designed to last a lifetime. However, it is possible to remove either a chin or cheek implant if there is a desire to do so.

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