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Eyelid Surgery

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Eyelid Surgery - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

Eyelid surgery is performed to enhance your appearance.

This procedure can help to reduce bagginess or droopiness of the upper or lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery is typically done by a qualified cosmetic surgeon or plastic surgeon. While there is a high success rate with this procedure, there are also the basic risks that come from having any type of surgical procedure completed.

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery is also know by other names, such as an eye lift or blepharoplasty. This procedure is performed to give the patient a more youthful appearance or to correct defects from birth or injuries. Eyelid surgery can also be used to restore function to one or more of the eyelids. You can have a blepharoplasty done on just the lower eyelids, the upper lids, or both. An eyelid lift is commonly done in conjunction with a brow lift.

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Eyelid Surgery - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center
Eyelid Surgery - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

When Is Eyelid Surgery Recommended?

Blepharoplasty is typically performed to reduce bagginess of the lower eyelids and dropping of the upper eyelids. During the aging process, skin becomes less elastic, resulting in sagging. Fat deposits can then accumulate in the sagging skin, leading to a look of thickened hanging skin below the eyes or in the area below the eyebrows. If you always look like you are tired, sad, or angry, you might be a good candidate for an eyelid lift. Eyelid surgery is also recommended when drooping skin above the eyelids sags down low enough to block a portion of your eye, affecting your eyesight. When this occurs, drooping lids may block just a portion of your eye affecting your peripheral vision, or the lids may block a larger portion of your eyes making it more difficult to see clearly.

What Happens After Chin and/or Cheek Implant Surgery?

There may be some slight discomfort following either procedure. However, it’s usually controllable with medication. Some patients experience numbness or tightness, although this is often temporary and usually goes away after a brief period of time. A facial brace is sometimes recommended to make sleeping easier during the healing and recovery period. Properly made external incisions usually do not produce noticeable scaring.

Preferred candidates for chin and cheek implants are individuals whose face has reached full skeletal maturity. It’s advised that patients be in generally good overall physical health to reduce issues with common surgical risks. It can also be helpful to have realistic expectations with results and a positive attitude about the desired procedure. Most implants are designed to last a lifetime. However, it is possible to remove either a chin or cheek implant if there is a desire to do so.

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