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Pectoral Implants

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Pectoral Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

Sometimes dieting and exercise are not enough to give you the rugged and contoured look you want for your chest.

When you really want a sculpted appearance, you may need to get pectoral implants to achieve this goal. You can look forward to pectoral implant surgery by learning what it is and what advantages it can offer to you.

What are Pectoral Implants?

Pectoral implants are implants that are made out of saline or silicone. They are inserted during an implantation surgery that is most often performed as an outpatient procedure.

The most common reason that men get pectoral implants is to improve the contour of their chests. The results of the surgery give men a more sculpted and manly look that they may not be able to achieve by dieting and working out.

However, other men have reported getting pectoral implants to eliminate self-consciousness or to correct asymmetry in the chest due to deformities caused by injuries, accidents, or birth defects. The primary benefits of this surgery include:

  • Making the chest look thicker and bulkier
  • Giving the chest a customized look
  • Achieving a specific shape in the chest
  • Boosting one’s self-image

Men with pectoral implants often report feeling happier with their overall appearances.

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Pectoral Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center
Pectoral Implants - Canyon Speciality Surgery Center

How are Pectoral Implants Done?

Pectoral implants must be inserted into the chest muscles during a moderately invasive yet safe surgery. Prior to the surgery, you will be put under general sedation. This ensures you do not feel anything during the operation.

After you are asleep, your surgeon will make an incision under your armpit. Once the incision is made, the surgeon will create a pocket between the chest muscles that is big enough through which to insert the implants.

Once the implants are inserted, the surgeon will position and shape them to achieve the desired look. After he or she creates the desired look in the chest, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures. They will then be bandaged and dressed before you are taken to a recovery room.

You will remain under observation to ensure you awaken fully and show no signs of complications like infection or high fever. You can be discharged and sent home to recuperate several hours after the surgery is done.

Pectoral Implants Recovery

Recovering from pectoral implant surgery takes several weeks. The rate at which you recover will depend on your overall health and how well you listen to your doctor’s post-operative advice.

You can expect to experience pain, swelling, and stiffness in your chest for the first week after your surgery. You will be given pain medications to ease any discomfort for the first few days at home. You should continue to wear the support garment with which you were fitted after surgery. You should also sleep with pillows under your chest for at least seven days after your operation.

Pectoral implants can give you the contoured, sculpted look you have always wanted. You do not have to work out or follow a special diet to achieve these cosmetic results.

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